The good, the bad, the ugly!

My owner is stressed! ...................................I have made her stressed!

This morning when I came back from my walk I went straight back to bed. I've been sneezing quite a lot over the last three or four days and I haven't eaten my breakfast or dinner for a couple of days. I've still managed to eat 'treats' though?! Ann has been worrying about me - she wonders whether dogs get colds, hay fever or asthma?

Anyway this afternoon she took me for a run up on the moors to see how much energy I had. I had lots of energy. In fact she was just wondering how she was going to get me over this stile when I just jumped over. Ann was very happy that I was energetic enough to jump over the stile myself. She told me I was a very GOOD girl.

So then I thought I'd show her what else I could do - mud wallowing?! She certainly didn't seem to be worrying about me then?! She went mad at me and said I was a very BAD dog!

When we got home Ann told me I was a very UGLY collie and I had to have a bath. Bathing me isn't a problem. ..............................Drying me is. ...................................I was naughty. Ann told me to sit in the bath and wait while she went to get more towels. I disobeyed her. I jumped out of the bath and ran downstairs shaking myself. Ann has had to clean all the walls next to the stairs, the entire bathroom and the kitchen. She is not happy, especially as she had volunteered to help with FOH stuff at the KIDZ theatre, St Ives tonight and she hates letting people down. She keeps telling me that she's mega busy at the moment and taking more than an hour out of her busy schedule because I decide to go mud wallowing just makes her stressed.

Because Ann had to do so much cleaning I got my dinner late tonight - rabbit & rice. Normally I love rabbit & rice but I haven't eaten any of it.

.............................Now Ann's worrying about me again??!!

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