
By prostel


Christmas and new year celebrations are controversial issues in Turkey. Many people celebrate the coming new year. I have more tendency to combine it with the soul of Christmas, not because of religious reasons, just for fun. I have been buying some lamps and decorative objects for my home. Last night we were in a famous shopping area and we checked some shops for Christmas items. Then, we went home and we heard the explosion since we were about a kilometer away from the football stadium which was targeted by bombs. According to the declaration made by TAK (Kurdish rebellion group) they targeted the police force however, many civilians died in taxis or on buses because of the bad timing or you may call destiny. We could have been passing there. We just did not.
39 dead, many wounded.
Attackers probably had a good reason to justify themselves as much as Turkish army and police forces, who have been using excessive power against Kurds in southeast Turkey. So, I believe, this war is endless and I have no idea who is gonna win. ( win what?) However, humanity is dying here. Death of innocent civilians (Turks in Istanbul or Kurds in east) doesn't help to solve this problem and legal Kurdish politicians lose their credibility because of these attacks.
I wish , the humanity someday will learn to be one without nationality. Nationalism is a disease and it is a widespread problem in my country including Kurds and Turks.
Love to all.

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