But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Mulled Wine.

Yesterday, at the crack of dawn, there was a surreptitious exchange of Linus quilts at a local flower emporium. Any passing police officer would have suspected drugs were involved - well, actually they were were. Transaction completed, we went inside and satisfied our caffeine addiction; I could have murdered a scone but, since none of the other parties seemed to want one, and I wasn’t paying, it seemed churlish to .

Today we made a return visit to look for paving slabs, that was when we came across this seasonal gesture of which I whole-heartedly approved; you can see Mrs TD in the background disappearing while clutching a warming brew. We stopped there to have lunch; I took the salty soup and Herself had a toastie which she couldn’t manage; ever the gentleman, I had to help her out. We weren’t impressed with their slabs: two varieties in four different sizes and a few funny shaped ones. Tried a Building merchant in Penicuik but, it seems that the town is closed on Saturdays; we couldn’t deliver warm cloths to the church for despatch to refugees either. Will have to try again on Monday.

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