
Its been a hell of a day.

I had to help Mr W in town before work as he was having a bit of a melt down with the Christmas shopping - he only has a daughter and 2 Grandchildren to sort out!!! I had an hour to spare and we did it!

I then had a tricky day at work....yes work....on a Saturday! I have a tricky case coming to difficult end - just before Christmas. My job becomes very emotional at this time of year.

I managed to grab these twinkly tree lights on my way home. Its such dirty weather but there lit up the way a bit.

Home now and on the toffee vodka and chocolate biscuits in my PJ's with the X Factor on!!!

I was very much hoping to have the tree up by today. In the past, I was never allowed to have the tree up until a certain persons Birthday was out the way. This year I had to wait for the stove to be blackened! It still isnt blackened and I told Mr W if it wasnt done by tomorrow its going up anyway!!!!

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