that was the week that was

It’s been a bit of a week.  Started feeling ill last weekend and my GP thinks it might be some sort of viral infection.  So no magic pills - just have to wait for it to go.  

Monday; I’m supposed to playing a gig in Leicester, but have to cancel. (This was our first gig since Germany, so much swearing on my part).
Tuesday; I get sent home from the gym, because you can’t exercise with a virus (or suspected virus) loose in the body.  (There’s no telling where it might end up).

Wednesday and Thursday; all bit of a blur, apart from blip.

Friday; supposed to be heading up the M1 for a weekend in Derbyshire (see Saturday), but have to cancel.

Saturday; not attending Lightroom editing course in Derbyshire.  Make bread instead.

There’s one bit of good news though.  There’s an email from Oxford waiting for me, when we get home from yesterday’s cake-eating extravaganza.  They’re prepared to offer me another ablation procedure on the basis of the ECGs I’ve been sending them.  Details to be discussed on Tuesday.  

The waiting list was 4 months when I had the previous ablation in August, so I guess we’re looking at March.  I can cope with that.  But without those ECGs I would have had to wait 12 months for my next review.

And all because I bought an electronic sensor which converted my iPod into a portable ECG machine.   Best £99 I’ve ever spent.

ps; only those of a certain age may get the image (TW3).  If you don’t, ask your granny or uncle wikipedia.

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