St Lawrence Jewry

To St Lawrence Jewry for the Worshipful Company of Constructors (and Ditto Chartered Architects) carol service. Just fabulous. Fabulous building, fabulous choir, fabulous vicar (Canon David  Parrott), fabulous company. And afterwards to Wax Chandlers Hall for a glass of vino and fish pie (in my case). Late home which I hate. Or rather the late train I hate - although quite entertaining. I was sitting minding my own business and was joined by a gentleman (poss a little worse for wear) with a ginormous rucksack and his equally ginormous dog. Dog (benign it turned out) occupied both of the seats opposite me. Quite surreal! As, in a completely different was, was the carol service. I wasn't quite brave enough to ask to take a photo of the dog - sorry.

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