Learning . . .

We collected the girls from school – so rarely do we get the chance to do this. Later we were treated to a concert from the eldest, who is learning the violin and taking it very seriously indeed. Then we met Mum at a local Chinese Restaurant. An excellent place, where the girls are treated so well, even taught how to use chopsticks. And we got a table with a ‘roundabout’ in the centre so everyone could help themselves as it went round. I was amazed what they ate. At the age of ten, I had never even heard of squid!
This is not a good photo – the lighting was awful and I didn’t want a posed picture, so tried to catch the movement - not very successfully. I cropped it too much and tried to soften the edges – not very successfully. However it captures the moment and for my journal was preferable to a beautifully taken picture of shopping centre Christmas decorations!

We are all going into London tomorrow!! 

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