A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A different light

Mostly I am at The House in the morning so it makes a change to see it in the late afternoon setting sun light. We were on the way back from the school meeting and it seemed the right image with the light as it turns out my paranoid worrying was entirely unnecessary as the meeting was actually really good. Mainly they are just keen for us to stay in contact and want to know what, if anything, they can do to help. They also had a really good suggestion for how we might work either the transition to a return to school and/or a short-term way of accessing the school and beginning to do some gap filling in a very flexible way. It was all very positive and I just came away feeling like they were really on our side and had been very thoughtful about how they could help. So I'm really glad we went, I'm really glad there wasn't a long build up for me to convince myself it would be terrible, and I'm mainly glad I was wrong for worrying.

In addition there has been a dog walk with a neighbour and her beagle, some work, some present shopping, two whole boxes unpacked in the finally finished living room. And quite spectacular losses for us both against the boy at table tennis. I'm starting an argument that scores are a less important measure of winning than a sense of who played better from a moral perspective. I think I may be onto something.

Oh, and our New Year game arrived but I'm going to be mean and leave it at that.

Happy Friday though!

Lesley x

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