Boring Blip Alert!

Just a quick 'pansy' shot...

On an exhausting day, consisting of a misty and beautiful countryside drive to an interview in Andover...then home and take pictures.

Finally I have started sorted out the house properly before Christmas is here.  I am not going to bother with the tree this year, its difficult to know where to put it and Billy doesn't like it anyway...  I will just put some decorations in odd corners and make do...I don't normally get visitors anyway...

Christmas cards are out and I will start writing them tomorrow in between my trip to town and going out for lunch :)

Looking forward to tomorrow as I'm off out to Christmas lunch with my Small Group, but before then, need to go and get the 'lucky dip' present which I'd forgotten about.  I'll be up and about early, so planning an early night as I've got Street Pastors tomorrow night and not sure how much sleep I'll get beforehand...

So glad its the weekend, but I'll still have to do some catch up with job applications as I've only done about one today (and if you don't do enough your benefits are withdrawn)...

Very glad I didn't get the job that I was interviewed for on Tuesday :)  I didn't want it!  

Sad that I didn't get today's job though 'because another candidate matched what they wanted more closely' :(

 Still waiting to hear about yesterday's interview and they weren't going to announce the decision til Monday...

Happy Friday folks :)

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