Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

776. 16/100 days of portraits....Kerry

Kerry wasn't too keen on getting her photo taken in her school uniform but she was pleased to show of her new festive braces (red and green!) as we had a meal out and did a bit of shopping for her for her Christmas present from us....
She's almost 14 and very tricky to buy for and I don't like the idea of giving money as she's not that keen on spending her own money once you give it to her!
We decided that we would hit the shops and see what took her fancy....and it turned out to be lingerie and handbags....not really much of a challenge and managed to get both of the things she wanted as well as a new Christmas day dress...which was just an extra as her school report this term was absolutely brilliant...excellent for everything across every subject...go Kerry!

I had a message from my good friend Paula in Canada to say that she had received our Christmas parcel today...which included a jumper each for Soleil and Arwen...complete with their initials...she was thrilled and I'm sitting with bated breath waiting for her to upload images of the two of them wearing their new jumpers on her Blog....I will share them tomorrow if I can download them.....I'm so thrilled the parcel arrived and that she liked them...not sure what the girls will think though!

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