cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

First day of classes

And yet another semester starts at CSU. I'm excited for all of my classes, but I can tell from the get go that Arabic will prove to be most challenging. I'm looking forward to my International Studies class, as the professor seems knowledgeable and, according to her syllabus, we will be pushed intellectually. We even have to turn in the a thesis paper at the end of class, in which many students develop it as their master thesis (apparently).

Grabbed dinner with Lydia at Qdubs, and did laps with Rachel.

Then I invited Moha over to help me with Arabic homework. The conversation eventually transferred over to the topic of dating. I have never dated a Shiite Muslim before, so the preliminary dating proclamation in Arabic was new to me.
After a year of heartbreak and craziness and singleness, I have a boyfriend. This time its a Saudi Arabian man... I have no idea what to expect.

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