Christmas Come To Town

It remains mild, but overcast and breezy.  There has been the odd shower tonight. 

I've had a day off work, but up early for a doctor appointment.  I've managed to get two loads of washing out today, and dries.   After walkies, I spent the morning cleaning and scrubbing the house.  Popped around to see aunt Binnie this afternoon. This evening, I picked up nieces Eve and Elise from the cinema, and dropped them off at mam's.  Sister Julie is down at mam's, and they are all heading to Disney on Ice this weekend.  

Cleaned the house, and them time to get the Christmas decorations out the loft.  I started the indoor decorations, that can wait.  The outside lights are a must :)  And my new edition, Henry the Snowman :)  Let's hope he proves popular :)  Taken at Gibblestone, Scalloway.  

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