Just Another Day on the Bay

I hate to rub it in to all those of you in the northern hemisphere, but today was magnificent. My shift only started at 12.30pm so I got up a 6am and went fishing. Because it was so calm I decided to do some exploring around the back of Mud Island. I have never been that far out before and now I can add it to my store of bay knowledge. The fishing non-existent, even thought the water was clear right through to 8 metres deep. I wasn't too worried. I will be doing a bit of fishing over the weekend. Actually I might even go out tomorrow morning before dawn. the only downer was getting my anchor stuck on the bottom. It took 10 minutes of grunting and straining to free it while the fishermen in other boats watched in amusement. I thought I was going to have to cut the anchor rope but after a bit of help from the motor I retrieved it from the sea floor.

I had a bit of spare time on my way home so I anchored up off Manly next to the boating channel, threw a line in and watched the passing boats for a while. This was my pick of the day.

I just noticed that I was taking the same sort of photos this time last year.

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