Geometric - Using simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design and decoration.
This is the first morning since Saturday that I have woken up not feeling dizzy so hopefully I really am over it, whatever it was. I still need to move carefully, so I will not be bending down to pick up any money that may be on the pavement, unless of course, it’s a £5 note!
Who knew that a our neighbours’ block paved driveway would look so good for this Abstract Thursday Geometric challenge? I’m sure those who know me will recognise those pink slippers, but I was dressed when I went out to take the photograph, just in case the postman came early and I didn’t want to frighten him whilst wearing pink slippers AND a pink robe! I've put the original in as an extra.
We are going out for coffee this morning and will be meeting an old friend - a very old one from Youth Club days - and his wife, a new friend - so lots of catching up to do and we might even be singing the song, “Getting to Know You” - well, I might be, but knowing Mr. HCB, he will probably just look the other way and be muttering “I can tell you’re better”!
"Music is
the arithmetic of sounds
as optics is
the geometry of light."
Claude Debussy : 1862-1918
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