Supported bound angle pose

The usually challenging yoga session I do on Wednesday was transformed into a treaty restorative yoga session. In restorative yoga you use many more props and blankets and bolsters. You tend to be supported more and don't build up a sweat at all (people turned up in jumpers and socks) but the downside is that you can hold poses for about 5 mins so it can hurt a bit if you are stiff in certain areas.

Only about 9 people turned up tonight but I love how the class participants are supportive and tried to help me when I struggled with one particular pose (reclining hero pose) and the yoga teacher was otherwise engaged. In the end I used about 15 blocks under my bolster! Before that the man and woman on either side both offered advice and support even giving me their own equipment to help me, really lovely.

The picture I'm pointing to was a great pose once I worked out how to fix the belt. It really stretched me well but after 5 mins I was somewhat stuck and couldn't release the belt as I'd opened up into into the pose and the belt. It was like that Chinese tube trap game you used to get in crackers in the 1970s that traps your finger? Was that supposed to be a magic game?

A day of challenges and this evening a number of things made me very emotional. I'm wondering if the yoga played a part? My yoga teacher said some poses can cause people to start crying suddenly ! I find that amazing but kind of understandable on reflection as yoga does release tension you may have been holding a while. Things are not great right now on a few levels, I hope to address some of the issues tomorrow.

Sometimes when I reflect on life generally I wonder how on earth I have ended up where I am and who I am, it's kind of fascinating

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