Ruth's Challenge 60 fotos

By Ruth60

All my bags are packed.....

....I'm ready to go.

Anything we're keeping but won't need in the coming months, or whilst away, will be leaving the house tomorrow. We will both then be left with 2 bags (plus some sports gear, but that doesn't count, right?!)

Had another long look for skips today. No sign of her. Did however get a phone call this evening to say she'd been fighting another cat this morning. They're in the area we've been looking in so maybe one day soon we'll find her! Had a good omen today- a ring I've had for 16+ plus years and thought I'd lost last week returned to me. Could be a good sign.....

I'm taking a picture a day throughout 2012 to raise money for the MS Resource Centre. June 2012 would have been my mum's 60 b'day but sadly she died from MS 12 years ago. It's quick and easy to donate by text - send chal60 £1 to 70070. (UK only)

To find out about the other challenges we're doing, or to donate online from anywhere in the world Thanks

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