
By Lemony1Lemon

Day 277- Lake McKenzie - Fraser Island

Early start this morning to the 4 wheel drive company. We split into two cars and met out your guide Kev and then off we went! We headed for the ferry to bring us over to Fraser which was nice and chilled. And then it started the crazy sand driving haha so much fun! We then arrived at Lake McKenzie, which was absolutely beautiful. But what I loved the most was chilling with a 4 month old wild dingo. He is on watch by the rangers of the national park as obviously a dingo should not be so close and friendly with humans. But he was so cute and I wanted to keep him! Me and my new companion Holly went for a dive to see if we could get to the bottom of the lake, as it's so clear! Such a nice experience. We did a little stop at Central station which was a nice board walk through some lovely trees and a crystal clear stream and then back to base for tea which was yummy!! Few drinking games ready for a long day ahead tomorrow :)

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