A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Higher higher

Actually I think the instruction was something about sweeping sounds but I wasn't entirely paying attention. Which is fine as it wasn't the preparation for my singing exam. Despite quite a few nerves on the way Anna came out smiling so her lovely teacher, Genevieve, did a good job of calming her down. Sadly this is the end of the classes with Genevieve as she has a little baby and lives too far to keep travelling this way for lessons. We are all sad as she has taught Anna for a long time and has always been wonderful but we are focusing on how lucky we are to have had her to get Anna this far.

It's been a music focused day as we later found out Anna got a great result in her Music Theory exam from last month so we're hoping that's a good omen. That's also good news as my niece has taught her and she is her first ever pupil.

Lesley x

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