
Back home after a wonderfully uneventful journey.
Cupboards restocked with food.
Curry for tea.
Am on the sofa with pillow and cup of tea. Hot water bottle is needed. Had a bit of a funny turn in Asda when I doubled over and yelped out in pain again. No warning, no control and no way of explaining to the poor checkout girl that she didn't need to panic on my behalf as I am getting used to this after 18 months.
It will be strange not to have the gang around me, particularly Kelly, who knows from personal experience ...I miss that unspoken understanding so much, already, and it's not even been a day yet.
I confess, I have cried quite a bit today.
It's ok, my boy gives me unsolicited hugs and my husband smiles that lovely smile of his and it does help.

Thank you Peter for coming picking us up today. very much appreciated. Xxx

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