I'm so sorry I ....

..... didn't start this Poinsettia earlier( silly me )! But compared with when I first blipped it ( Nov 15th ) you can see the difference, but I was over 2 months late in putting it in the dark ! Oh well I'll have the beauty of it latter .
It was hit and miss whether I went to the pool this morning I felt so rotten at 7.15am made a cuppa and went back to bed. As its so near the big day I just had to try and beat it, so up I got and went to the pool but only managed half my exercise but managed the swim ok . Now I'm just about done in , hoping warmth and rest will make my energy return, I'm going out to lunch tomorrow so must be well enough for that.

Happy ..... that I made the effort to go to the pool, I'm the wrong age to give up!!!

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