
By Beewriter

Curly Wurly Customer

I had good intentions today, I tried to do things, but basically I failed at everything. 

It is a friend's birthday this weekend and as I am short on funds I decided I would make her a present. I found a pattern for a hat (not just any old hat, quite a nice one) and I started to cast on....I only needed 112 stitches, but could I get the right number. After a few attempts I threw the needles across the room. I might try again tomorrow.

My vac refuses to suck at the moment. A friend asked if I'd washed the filters. Filters? I have to wash them? Well, I found them eventually and washed then dried still won't suck...sigh.

I bought a ukelele over a year ago and I haven't done anything with it. I tried to play it today...that was a disaster. 

I had to nip to the Post Office...that I got right...and on the way home I noticed that they were putting a gazebo outside the hairdressers. Well, I moseyed over to see what was occurring. They were having a fund raising evening in aid of the local playground. The owner saw me, rushed out and asked if I would go along to take photos. I went home changed into a dress and stuck batteries on charge. 

I'm rubbish at indoor flash photography and the pics aren't that good, but better than nothing I suppose. 

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