Evening Sunset Skies

As you all know I haven't really been well for a couple of weeks now...

This morning I have never felt so weak, I just had no energy at all...so i cancelled today's interview (so frustrated :() and have been resting most of the day..  Maybe it was meant to be because at lunchtime I received another call and now I have yet another interview on Thursday (its local which is better) as well...  I now have and interview every day this week and hoping I'll feel well enough to get to tomorrow's because I really do need a job at the end of the day!!!

For the record, I went to the early class for my Slimming World and have lost 2lb so I'm back on track :)  I didn't stay for the class but just came home...

When I got out of the hall where it is held there was the most beautiful sky, but I didn't have my camera with me....luckily they lasted until I got home and could come in and fetch the camera :)

Onwards and upwards, happy Monday!

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