Moorhen Monday

I could have slept for England this morning but dragged myself out of bed as I had to go to the Doctor to get my blood test results. I returned pretty much none the wiser! All he said was that I had an "abnormal" result, and could I book in for a repeat test in a fortnights' time to check if it was a freak result due to the virus or whatever I had. Surely I could have been told that over the phone by a receptionist? He didn't tell me any details as to what was abnormal either!

If I was the sort of person who worried about things I'd have had a fretful weekend for nothing, and would probably still be freaking out!

So that annoyed me a bit! I am seriously considering changing my name to Victoria Meldrew! Everything is ridiculous! Kids in school are going to be taught "British values" of democracy, tolerance and respect. Fine, teach them about those things, that would actually be great! But since when were they solely, or even particularly "British"?

 And some Mum of a child in Nursery school actually complained to the nursery that the cute monster design of another little boy's trousers were frightening her daughter! Oh, for goodness sake!! If the current crop of young adults are "Generation Snowflake" what will this next lot turn out to be if their parents feel the need to have irrational fears removed instead of teaching them how to cope with them?

And I have to go back to work tonight too!

I took this Moorhen photo after I'd been to the doc's. On the way there I'd noticed some gorgeous frosty fungi, but when I went back 15 minutes or so later the frost had melted and the fungi looked brown and tatty instead of fairy tale-like!

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