Last sale of the year

What a busy day! Set up for a very full mum2mum market sale in Newbury this morning. We had a new hall for this one so had to work out a few logistics, got everyone in and had lots of happy sellers and then a big queue of buyers outside.
C & R went off to the big park for a play and then C spotted a bow and arrow set and some cars which he went off to buy on his return - a reward for all his help sweeping the hall at the end!
It was nice chatting to people as they came in who were in festive mood.
There we are, last one of the year done and my 6th since starting up. I feel I've learnt a lot and come quite a long way since March! Time for a nice break now.

Pretty exhausted by the time we left, then on for lunch and to a birthday party for C at the local leisure centre.
He had a lovely time with his classmates while we wandered into town with R and got a few Xmas pressies.

By the time it was teatime it had to be a takeaway and snuggles with poor R who had a roaring temperature. Quite a day!

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