Bottoms Up!

We're quite used to seeing the ducks doing this but it's the first time I've seen a swan bottom feeding....quite undignified for a swan, but even so, he manages it in a rather stately way....The extra is a picture of the same swan with a ring of scum around its body at the water line. Even the exceptionally lovely have a dirty side....

I managed to write out and address 20 invitations to a party on the wrong date and only discovered when I couldn't find the envelopes I had in my hand to mail. I finally found them in the trash under a wine bottle which had leaked on the top one, revealing my error when I went to rewrite it....and also that I might be losing a little more than a few envelopes. We went to Acre coffee this morning because of its proximity to the card store where I was able to purchase some more invitations.

Because we had Ozzie with us we managed to find a table outside which is a perfect sun trap. I would have preferred not to have had to hear two young women next to us discussing the painful and recent break up of one of them, but I was grateful that we were able to sit outside in the sun on December 3rd, not to mention the fact that I have been happily married for 53 years and don't have those kinds of traumas...well, most of them anyway....

This seems to be my year for learning things the hard way...the latest lesson revolving around the fact that somehow my camera became set on a 1:1 (square) aspect ratio. If you never print photos, you might never notice, but suddenly it was a huge puzzle to try and figure out how to print  4x6" copies of the 'best Thanksgiving picture ever' from a square format. My printer won't do it and neither will Walgreens (the Boots of California).

I think there is a gremlin running around changing settings on my devices and then standing back to observe with amusement my efforts to figure out what to do about it.

I may have come up with a reasonably acceptable solution to the problem. The amount of time I spent on it indicates that my mind does not work in any way like a computer...

Maybe I should just  refer everybody to my Thanksgiving Day blip. It would spare those who really aren't interested in the family picture...

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