Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


When I was packing for this trip, I did not give a lot of conscious thought to the Tiny People that I tucked in my bag. But when I got home from the funeral today, I saw these two figures and I realized that they perfectly depicted my emotions on this day.

Today, we said goodbye to my brother-in-law, Philip, who left us way too soon. His memorial service, planned by his wife and children and officiated by the priest who'd known him for over 30 years was...perfect. Philip's son, our nephew, gave the eulogy and his words were from the heart. He captured the things about his father that made him so special perfectly and I know that everyone in the church was as touched as we were. So many tears, but laughter too - Philip was the kind of person who thrived on making others laugh.

After the church service, the family and some close friends gathered at the cemetery where Philip was interred next to his father. His four grandsons, ranging from 19 months to 9 years did what children that age do - they reminded us all that life goes on, that laughter will continue, and that we all have a reason to go on living. Bless the children.

So, today's Blip is my way of capturing a little bit of that feeling...of letting go...of continuing to live.

My heart is full of sadness, but also full of love.

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