The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Bird Fair - Time For Goodbyes

And so it was over. Another first for the year in a year of firsts. Next year will be my second Bird Fair, and only 361 days until that happens! Like Hay I have been bitten by this bug too.

Operation Evacuate began early this morning. We had to be out of the cottage by ten. I knocked up a few omelettes for breakfast and then it was time to say goodbye to the house guests at Bird Fair HQ Cottage!

So from left to right, after me and Dawn we have John, Janet, Paula and the Bevmeister! It's been a pleasure having your company the past four days, and thanks for showing me around my first bird fair. Thank you feeding and watering us, and bamboozling us with quiz questions. I hope I didn't talk you all too sleep!

We've got an extra night as we have popped up the coast and are staying at Dawn's parents for the night. We stopped off at Frampton on the way with Bev. It was mobbed there. I ticked off another few life ticks. A rather good way to end this bird watching tour de force off!

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