
By cowgirl

Relief at last!

The first working loo installed in one of the flats. It will be so nice to be able to have a wee in the mornings! Well, it will once they fix a door onto the room too ...

After yesterday's better news, today was another downer. First, one of the horses at the yard had to be put to sleep this morning. Her name was Amy, and she was the first home bred horse there. She developed some sort of neurological problem in her back which was causing her pain. It's been getting worse and the vet couldn't help her, so we had to say goodbye.

Then, this afternoon, my cousin in Australia sent me a message to say her partner has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. We managed to speak via one of those Internet video thingies, so I showed her a few of the horses ( she was in bed, understandably not sleeping well ) so hopefully that relaxed her a little.

Is it Friday yet, I need a gin!

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