I See Ewe

Come to think of it, this chubby lamb was not so out of place as I first thought when we chanced on her and her sisters in the Grassmarket, penned outside a restaurant.
In days of yore I imagine flocks of sheep driven into the city to the market here would be a common enough sight.

Cute as she was, trying to enticing us inside, we were not to be deflected from our mission of a walk round the northern policies of the Dower house estate and a coffee much later.
There was a pleasant surprise when daughter#1, down for the frozen north, joined us for a bit of chit chat.

I am glad to report there is light at the end of the tunnel of self imposed Christmas creativity - just a rabbit's face, two buttonholes and the sewing can be laid to rest along with the cutting and sticking. All that remains is to plan the menus for members of the family joining His lordship and me at different times over Christmas.
Oh .......I've just remembered there is the additional chore of wrapping presents...........

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