Vision Limited

That's what that little diamond road sign says - and vision definitely was limited!   In the photo, we're just approaching one of the snow sheds in an avalanche area.  
Pretty horrendous driving conditions for our trip.  The ferry over to the mainland went well, but we hit very heavy rain on the highway,  so many huge transport trucks sending up spray, too much traffic, until the rain finally slowed down.  It was cloudy on the Coquihalla but rather beautiful, like driving through a winter wonderland.  Then we hit snow and thick fog, very slippery and slushy conditions as we drove on the Okanagan Connector, more huge trucks, and people driving far too fast for the conditions.  More nail biting, but we made it safely, just over eight hours after we left home.   Whew!  
We hooked up with our daughter R and Kalyn's team and went to the opening ceremonies for the provincial tournament.  Pretty cool to see the 15 teams parade into the gym!  One team from further north wasn't able to travel because of weather but fortunately made it in time for their games on Thursday (I'm writing this on Friday).  We watched an inter-squad game with the local university women's team - great skills.  One of the women, Jennifer Oakes, was on the paralympic sitting volleyball team, and we'd watched an excellent little feature on her on tv.   Very inspirational to watch her play with a prosthetic!
We then went with R to pick up healthy snacks for the girls to keep in their rooms and for food for snacks and lunch in between their games on Thursday.  By 9:30, we were hungry and finally went for a light supper - it had been a long time since breakfast!
So great to be here.  More details when I get a chance to blip.  I'll never catch up with commenting and replying.  Thanks for the comments and stars on the door handle on Tuesday.  Much appreciated!   

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