In Training

I paid a surprise visit to the gym this morning. I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or the gym.

I had harboured a vague notion last night that I might find the will power to get myself out of bed and into trainers in the morning, but the gym would have been completely unsuspecting, given my non attendance in the last 3 months.

But kitted out I was at 7am and with my pin number remembered, entered the doors of the hallowed land of machines and testosterone, and almost instantly regretted it.

Thirty five minutes of desultory exercise later, I called it a day: 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof' was the mantra occupying my brain.
I was hoping that a little and often would not deter me from the portals again as has happened in the past.

Unbelievably, His Lordship has very kindly offered to clean my bike tomorrow along with his own, so there was a trip to BikeTrax to buy cleaning fluid and lubricating grease.

I'm rather worried about the offer- it's almost too generous, leaving me wondering if there is an ulterior motive. I'll keep you posted.

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