It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Today started with a brilliant Spanish class, with more discussion and much less 'exercises'..then straight out to be in the Market Square by Sa Penya. It was a fantastic morning of seeing people and chatting - felt a bit like a yo-yo in my chair, up and down all morning greeting people!
This afternoon Danny, Asha & I did our first Advent reading and discussion...looking forward to these daily times with them...hoping Asha will have a deeper understanding & appreciation of Christmas. 
Then tonight we met up with the 24-7 guys and the Caña Club guys and went to watch the town lights be switched on... There was a lovely atmosphere, roasted chestnuts, candy floss, market stalls etc...all rounded off with a lovely drink together. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A really productive morning.
2) Friendships with such a diverse and rich group of island people.
3) Doing the advent book with Asha.

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