Venturing Out - Me & Mum

Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting!

After lots of rest I have been feeling a lot better. And so I was glad when Mum said we were going for an outing. But then I was NOT glad when we ended up at the V.E.T.!!! Noooo!!!!

Apparently I needed a checkup. Not only that but I had to see a DIFFERENT vet which neither me or my mum were happy about! He INSISTED on looking in my mouth, and I think even he was surprised how strong I was!! He only looked 15 so maybe he's not had much experience yet with Poodle Power!

Anyway, I guess they think I'm doing OK. But it's not over. I need to go AGAIN in a week! Maybe Mum will forget! I'm sure I'm fine!

Mum rewarded me with a short walk. It sure is COLD all of a sudden! All the white bits are the heavy frost that hadn't seen the sun so isn't melted yet. Our back garden is only in shade this time of year, so the frost never melted today! Thankfully our walk was short. And I continued snoozing the rest of the day next to Mum while she tried to get some work done! I liked that part the best!

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