Rogues Gallery Series -- Portrait #5

Sanford Evans, Jr. --  This handsome young man is the brother of my mother, who was the subject of yesterday's blip.  Uncle Sandy is now 92 years old, and living in California, so unfortunately I don't have much opportunity to see him.  Here he is as a young soldier in World War II.  He had quite the reputation as a heart breaker back then!  After graduating from Harvard University, he went on to become a physicist working for NASA.  To keep his mind sharp after he retired, he learned Japanese because he wanted to read the Japanese press coverage of events during the war.  He also spent some months making complicated calculations of the earth's atmosphere and curvature in order to (successfully!) photograph the elusive Green Flash that occurs just as the sun sinks below the horizon.  Sadly, that brilliant mind is now clouded by dementia, but he is deeply loved by his children and grandchildren -- and his niece.

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