What A Mix

The kids were good.
The weather wasn't bad.
I got a new pair of boots (the other ones suddenly developed splits on the sides - on both boots).
The berries were bright
I got some unusual angles/shots
I got another gate for Dotty
But I must admit I was getting really annoyed trying to get the focus right on the feather.
Of course, the sunset was nice too (just a shame about my foreground content).

The speaker tonight at the camera club was superb -- Stephen Cosh. He only uses Leica cameras and normally film.

On the down side we heard from our friend whose daughter is in hospital. The girl (who we have known since she was just a few months old) is still in danger and if she makes it will be left with brain damage and will need to learn to walk and talk again. A few years ago her father collapsed and died and was revived by his wife but he has been left with a brain injury and no short term memory.
No woman deserves to see her husband and daughter both be left so ill.
She virtually shut herself off from friends to look after her husband.
I just wish she would allow us to give her any kind of support she wants. She deserves it - she and her husband were both so good and supportive years ago when SWMBO had her heart attack.

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