Morning after the rain

November rain lashed the windows in the warm air all last night. I do love the rat-a-tat-tat on the roof of the rain that we still need badly after this summer's drought. I went out early after feeding Raspberry this morning as the fog was just lifting in the woods  and a weak sunrise was visible through the trees. It was beautiful, but strangely warm for November with a deep carpet of wet leaves underfoot.

Tornados stuck in the southern states last night on the heels of terrible raging fires in Tennessee. Morning will be far from beautiful today in so many towns for so many people.

The post election cabinet selection sideshow continues with the  P.T. Barnum like individual we are stuck with. It gets worse each day.

For the Record,
This day came in wet underfoot with fog  after a long and much needed rain.

One hand under the weather with a big cold.The other with her fingers crossed.

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