
CyclopsJnr had a bad night - he's got a nasty cough and snuffle.

Cyclops and CyclopsJnr spent some time together this morning.  We played hide and seek, played with lego, and played dressing up for work.  Great fun.

We went to the park where CyclopsJnr enjoyed the swings and had an EPIC bike crash - he whizzed off down a hill at great speed, lost control, hit the grass, flew over the handlebars, and landed in a big somersault about a metre from his bike.  He had wet leaves and grass stuck behind his sunglasses, and broke the visor from his helmet.  He was also grinning broadly, and after a brief precautionary cuddle said "again again" and got straight back on his bike.  He did go a bit slower this time...

We went to the park on the way to the childminder (Cyclops had work to do during the middle part of the day) and actually bumped into her there with her daughter, dog, and some of the other kids.  In the end she just took CyclopsJnr from there so they could stay in the park longer.

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