
By TrishaR

GG's Protege

With my daughter double booking herself after booking the Frozen show at the Hydro for Ben, Cameron just had his Nana and GG to watch him perform at his music Club's annual show in the Salutation Hotel. Mum took the wheel contraption to aid her walking but I had to have words with the hotel who despite me mentioning twice didn't move the tables and chairs that were blocking the ramp (disabled access) to the ballroom. We got down as there was no one at the chairs but getting out had to manoeuvre her up three stairs!

The Cook also arrived when I was explaining to the manager that they were in breach of the Disability Act blocking the ramp. They tried to blame the organiser of the show but I stood my ground and obtained an apology. The Cook was a typical grumpy Gordon Ramsay type chef who needs to get a broken leg or something to experience what it's like to be temporarily disabled to have some sympathy for disabled people. Also, a non disabled person was hogging the disabled toilet for 5 mins while mum waited. I know people can be disabled and not show it but when she came out I asked her if she was disabled and she said No, so I had a few words with her.

There is always something!

Anyway, we were proud of the boy - a threesome playing SOS by Abba. He's grade 2 now and enjoying it - mum at last has someone else who is musical in the family.

We took him to Gloagburn for hot choccy and traybake then home to play some game with his Papa (metro) while I made veggie soup so thick it sticks to your ribs perfect for this cold weather.

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