
By Nohaaaa

The End, 2015

In a rainy day with the company of great Sylvia Plath; I write this;

You were filled with so many things I never expected a single year could handle, you taught me so much about myself and everything around me more than I can ever expect.
I still have so many questions and I will never stop questioning until the last day of my life but at least, thank you for all the answers you’ve given me so far.
Answers are all what I need, sometimes.
A lot of people have left and only few have joined and I cannot be more thankful. I cannot stand any meaningless friend/relation—ships anymore. The amount I had of unnecessary people was overwhelming.
The year I realised how much I am important, how much I should be loving myself even more each day, that being late and taking more time than others doesn’t mean I am a failure and the fact that I forget a lot and I’m pretty much different from everyone around me doesn’t make me mentally ill.
The year I started taking care of myself truly, and the year that taught me the importance of promises.
The year that made me see how bad things can be sometimes but at the end, they pass. I don’t know how or why but they just do.
The year I was encouraged enough to do things I never thought I would do them.
The year I said/did things I will always be truly proud of.
On behalf of the nights I cried my heart out and thought it was the very end of everything and for the happy moments I teared because of the unexpected magnificent events:
Thank you for everything so far and please, if I have any regrets;
take them with you, I no longer have any place for burdens.
And for myself,
If you ever came across this post in the future; please know that you’re strong, important, smart and very awesome woman.
Goodbye, I suppose.

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