Life through the lens...

By ValC

Heavenly scent.

Yesterday evening when it was so warm,the beautiful scent of honeysuckle and jasmine filled the air.
It is on the fence by the gate, and greats you as you enter the garden.
Tonight the perfume isn't quite as strong. I think because it is not as warm.

We did wake to glorious sunshine, but by afternoon we had heavy rain, and now late evening sun.
So I suppose the red sky last night and the weathermen were both right!

Not much of a day. Felt tired this morning, and so had a lie in.May be all the decorating or may be the rose wine we had with the BBQ last night! Such a nice refreshing drink, but 14% alcohol!

Two weeks ironing,( which had been left because of you know what) now finished.

I think it will be an early night!

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