Difficult decisions

A while back now, I enrolled on a City & Guilds Course: Patchwork and Quilting. I expected to do some sewing and learn how to quilt properly, but I had not realised that the design element was as important as the stitching and that we would spend much of our time experimenting with all kinds of media. I was surprised when at the first session we were painting – I hadn’t painted like that for many, many years. Our tutor was a highly skilled quilter, but she was also a textile artist and she taught us so many things – we printed, made paper, dyed fabrics, marbled paper, made felt. We had a go at silk painting, batik, screen-printing and lots, lots more. Every week was an exciting adventure into different media. Of course we also developed skills of patchwork, quilting, applique and embroidery. And we took on design skills too.
We then had several projects to complete to gain the certificate and this hanging, which adorns the door into my room, was one of mine. We had to design and make a piece that showed skills of piecing. Although you can’t really tell from the picture, it was made in shot silk which, as any textile person will tell you, is not easy to work with. I based the design on some Indian door hangings that I had bought whilst in Bradford and sourced the tiny mirrors or Shisheh from an Asian shop. I was pleased with it when it was finished and I actually got a distinction for it in the final assessment.

I was remembering all this today as I started on a huge clearance of my room and am coming across many things I acquired during my college time, some of which I have not used since. I have to make decisions as to what I am actually likely to do again and what I am not. Very difficult.

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