
Up early and down to Manchester on the 06:56 train, to meet up with a pal and watch some keirins, sprints, points races and the like at the National Cycling Centre. The velodrome if you like. And then a couple of pints back in town before catching the 18:16 back home from Piccadilly.

I did take the old Nikon EM manual 35mm camera down with me loaded with some film and the plan was to develop that film today (at the time of writing it's the day after, Sunday), scan in the negs and go all analogue graininess for this blip. But alas, the chemicals I ordered haven't arrived for all that to happen so it's phone shot graininess instead. 'Salright...the film thing will happen, just not here, not today.

Summat from Piccadilly Records' Album Of The Year That I Bought From Piccadilly Records Very Own Shop On Oldham Street Yesterday

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