Pob's World

By Pobsworld


Well it's been a busy few days...

The Christmas lunch on Thursday only lasted 14 hours - needless to say I was in no fit state for Blipping either that day or the following day but thankfully had Friday off which was spent mainly with my head down the loo!
Had my sister and Dad round on Friday for a wee while which was really lovely and harmonious (doesn't often happen!)

Saturday I braved the nonexistent Christmas rush in Princes Street and got some gift shopping finished.
Yesterday I spent wrapping gifts, making lists then met my best pal for drinks at night.
And this morning I managed to get to Tesco, do the big shop (minus booze because I was too early), got home, unpacked it, made a new list and stll had my bum in my seat at work bu 08:20am. Not bad going if I say so myself!

Hopefully today will be a nice quick one, although it doesn't bode well - the phone's been ringing off the hook since I arrived because there's a whole load of servers down.
Oh well...

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