Penguin with Wings...
A long time ago there was comic strip in the paper called Bloom County, a little political and a little out there.. One of the characters was Opus a penguin. Well they made at thirty minute movie called A wish for wings that work . Opus alway wanted to fly...
Well Santa Claus broke down and Opus saved Christmas by swimming and of course that is what penguins do well.. He didn't need to fly.. The following day the birds came by and lifted him in the air.. Opus got to "fly"..
Today was a very difficult day at work.. Seeing this magpie (penguin) reminded me of a long gone friend named Roy. Every Christmas part of the tradition was watching this show. Know how hard he worked, how much time he put in for what he believed in, knowing how his life was cut short.. and all the things he could have done...
Some days life is a pain in the....
So tonight a toast to you Roy.. A person that got me interested in electronics, a mentor in many ways, a friend, a family member, you touched in ways you never knew.. And although you are long gone your forever in my heart...
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