Freezing fog

Good job we decided to go stargazing last night.  The fog hasn't lifted here all day.

Managed to get outside to the observa-shed this afternoon.  Bravely I opened the door as I expected a large family of spiders to greet me.  No spiders, plenty of webs though, so there's some hoovering to be done.  I think I am going to have to bring the scope inside so I can clean the mirror - need to have a good look and then do some research about how best to take that job on.

Other than that, and a walk to the coffee emporium with James (with an ulterior motive of taking some foggy photos), I have done little of anything today.  I feel tired and there's no point in flogging myself.  I am learning. Finally.

The ghostly silhouette of the teenager is on the extras.  Fog makes everything seem so eerie.

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