A Mythical Beast?

Could this be the rare Push-me Pull-you?  Or is it just two beautiful alpacas looking in opposite directions?!!  With a third black one more interested in the hay?  Spotted these in Perth today as part of the Christmas Market.  There were also donkeys, reindeer and huskies, as well as the usual non-animal stalls.

We had a very successful day's shopping and came home on the bus laden with presents.  The bus ride was a novelty for us, as we usually go by car, but the thought of parking made us try the alternative.  It was fine on the way there, but coming back we had a problem knowing where to catch the bus because it goes a completely different way!  Ended up taking two buses, but the timing was perfect and we didn't have to wait long for either.  Weather mild and dry too, so ideal for wandering around.

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