
By FloydOnFilm

Buddy Holly - Wrong On All Counts

Pink Floyd Album Tracks - Day 19

"If" from "Atom Heart Mother" (1970)

IF it stopped raining and IF the clouds went away and IF the sun came out it would be a nice day here but it's not. The only good thing about the rain today is that it waited for me to step off the 18th green before it made an appearance.

The sun is out, the sky is blue
There's not a cloud to spoil the view
But it's raining - raining in my heart

Like I said not even close Buddy particularly the bit about raining in my heart.

We set off tomorrow morning for Wantage in Oxfordshire to spend a few days with Jane's parents. IF my in-laws had an internet connection I would be able to publish my Blips as normal but they haven't so I can't so I will have to catch up on Wednesday or Thursday.

A round trip of 11-12 hours, no internet, no Sky TV - I'm not scared, I can do this, it will be fun. IF only !!

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