Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A rather chatty cat at my friends house. The kitten wanted to go inside and mieowed at me several times. My friend and I haven't seen each other for 10-11 years, when she change workplace and life just did what life do...
Today I was (with a bunch of others, including a friend of mine) invited to a home party with product from Sugar Kitchen. Baking and decorating heaven! During the viewing of the products I made my mums 80th B-day cake in my head. Everything with the cake just fell into place! Fab! It has been a bit of a worry, but now I know what products to buy and what flavors to use. :) I did buy a little something, but with Christmas coming up and everything with it, I had to be careful not to spend much. I have a list, thought. :)

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