Mountain Mothers and their Youngsters

I had to get out of the fog today so took the train up to Bretaye where the ski slopes of last weekend have melted away with the foehn wind. There was a cloud sandwich and therefore flat light all the way up the Grand Chamossaire. But, to my delight, a herd of chamois were on the summit ridge on one side of the mountain (see extra). I crept away down the other side, willing my camera battery to keep going (I thought I had a spare, hmmm) as I had come up here to try out hibou's wide angle lens. A flash of movement in the view finder, and a couple of heads popped up, a mother bouquetin and her baby were just below me. They were not in the least bothered by my presence and wandered around eating grass, seemingly posing for me. Why did I leave my big lens in the rucksack much higher on the slope? I don't often post these animals with so much "context" as in....... ..... if you want to see more. Running back to the train I dropped hibou's lens cap: third mistake of the morning! Nevertheless, I was so happy to have had so many healthy animals for company today. Otherwise I was completely alone on the mountain.

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