Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mean lookin' trucker

Give me a Hulk Hogan moustache, a body warmer and a baseball cap and I too can look like a mean man of the road. Except I am of course just the opposite.

Sorry late night blip of desperation. Spent all day in meetings, ended up knackered from serial minute taking; went to Bills for date night and then came home and watched Pride which I really enjoyed, despite the strong aroma of cheese in places. Good performances, high on feelgood factor and eighties nostalgia (I was there, I remember it); made me realise that the fight never ends - the world goes around and around and you have to fight the nasty people over and over again, whether it is race hatred, Brexit, homophobia, whatever ... Also the old television footage they used in the film reminded me what a nasty piece of work Margaret Thatcher was.

Don't tell The Dizzle I borrowed his baseball cap.

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